
Welcome to Youth, Parents and Leaders!

Posted by 2010 Youth Spectacular! | Posted in

Hello everyone!
Welcome to "Arise Youth Spectacular 2010"

The firesides held on the 10th and the 24th were beyond our expectations! The youth that sang and performed were incredible and President Campbell's, Elder Cook's and Elder Keyes comments were very inspirational.

A big THANK YOU goes out to the Directors, Coordinators, Music leaders, Acompianists and especially the youth involved! We love you all!

We could feel everyone's enthusiasm in the congregation and were touched by the spirit as testimonies were born and inspirational music performed. It has been a blessing to witness the hand of our Heavenly Father move this program forward.

We look forward to attending the upcomming practices and getting to know all of you better.

May our Heavenly Father bless you all for your participation.
Curtis and Amy Fielding
North Council Coordiators/Directors